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Know Thy Solar Plexus: Bathing in Authenticity
Solar Plexus Blog 3"We’re now in step 3 of our Manipura love. At this point, we’re about halfway into creating the new habit of setting aside the time each day for focused breathing with our Kapalabhati practice. We’ve also lent some gentleness to ourselves in the form of an apology for our part in personal hardships. Hopefully we’ve gotten deep into or much closer to self-forgiveness as well. This will help that along..."
Know Thy Solar Plexus: Addressing the Self
Solar Plexus Blog 2"A common barrier to forgiveness, useful or not, is the absence of apology. I’ve seen one unnerving practice far too many times. You may be familiar; Person A negatively impacting Person(s) B, self forgiving before Person B gets a chance to, or before even offering an apology, telling Person B why they are actually responsible for the lingering hurt, then considering themselves enlightened for moving 'forward'..."
Know Thy Solar Plexus: Identifying the Self
Solar Plexus Blog 1"The Solar Plexus, also called the Manipura (city of jewels), is our power center. It is located just above the navel at the vertical midpoint of the body and it governs digestion, our self-identity and internal power. Anything from compromised security (including police brutality and systemic racism), constant exposure to trauma, abuse, IPV , unhealthy relationships and friendships, and even being passed over for an important opportunity can contribute to a damaged sense of self..."